Journal Articles

Displaying 121 - 150 of 199



Is a Good Teacher a Good Teacher for All? Comparing Value-Added of Teachers with Their English Learners and Non-English Learners
Susanna Loeb, James Soland, Lindsay Fox. (2014). Education Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 36(4), 457-475

Who Enters Teaching? Encouraging Evidence that the Status of Teaching is Improving
Hamilton Lankford, Susanna Loeb, Andrew McEachin, Luke C. Miller, James Wyckoff. (2014). Educational Researcher, 43(9), 444-453

"My Mom Tells Me I Should Follow the Rules, That's Why They Have Those Rules": Perceptions of Parental Advice Giving among Mexican-Heritage Adolescents
Susan Holloway, Sira Park, Michele Jonas, Janine Bempechat, Jin Li. (2014). Journal of Latinos and Education, 13, 262–277

Measuring the Impacts of Teachers I: Evaluating Bias in Teacher Value-Added Estimates
Raj Chetty, John Friedman, Jonah Rockoff. (2014). American Economic Review, 104 (9), 2593-2632

Does state preschool crowd-out private provision? The impact of universal preschool on the childcare sector in Oklahoma and Georgia
Daphna Bassok, Maria Fitzpatrick, Susanna Loeb. (2014). Journal of Urban Economics, 83, 18-33

Measuring the Impacts of Teachers II: Teacher Value-Added and Student Outcomes in Adulthood
Raj Chetty, John Friedman, Jonah Rockoff. (2014). American Economic Review, 104(9), 2633-79

Active vs. Passive Decisions and Crowd-Out in Retirement Savings Accounts: Evidence from Denmark
Raj Chetty, John Friedman, Søren Leth-Petersen, Torben Heien Nielsen, Tore Olsen. (2014). Quarterly Journal of Economics, 129(3), 1141–1219

Mediators of Stereotype Threat among Black College Students
Douglas S Massey, Jayanti Owens. (2014). Ethnic and Racial Studies, 37(3), 557-575

Strategic Involuntary Teacher Transfers and Teacher Performance: Examining Equity and Efficiency
Jason Grissom, Susanna Loeb, Nathaniel Nakashima. (2014). Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 33(1), 112-140


Analyzing the Determinants of the Matching of Public School Teachers to Jobs: Disentangling the Preferences of Teachers and Employers
Donald Boyd, Hamilton Lankford, Susanna Loeb, James Wyckoff. (2013). Journal of Labor Economics, 31(1), 83-117

Professional Development Research: Consensus, Crossroads, and Challenges
Heather C. Hill, Mary Beisiegel, Robin T. Jacob. (2013). Educational Researcher, 42(9), 476–487

Measuring test measurement error: A general approach
Donald Boyd, Hamilton Lankford, Susanna Loeb, James Wyckoff. (2013). Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 38(6), 629-663

Different teachers, different peers: The magnitude of student sorting within schools
Demetra Kalogrides, Susanna Loeb. (2013). Educational Researcher, 42(6), 304-316

Measure for measure: The relationship between measures of instructional practice in middle school English language arts and teachers' value-added
Pamela Grossman, Susanna Loeb, Julia Cohen, James Wyckoff. (2013). American Journal of Education, 119(3), 445-470

Effective Instructional Time Use for School Leaders: Longitudinal Evidence from Observations of Principals
Jason Grissom, Susanna Loeb, Benjamin Master. (2013). Educational Researcher, 42(8), 433-444

The early childhood care and education workforce in the United States: Understanding changes from 1990 through 2010
Daphna Bassok, Maria Fitzpatrick, Susanna Loeb, Agustina Paglayan. (2013). Education Finance and Policy, 8(4), 581-601

How European American and Taiwanese mothers talk to their children about learning
Jin Li, Heidi Fung, Roger Bakeman, Katharine Rae, Wanchun Wei. (2013). Child Development, 85, 1206-1221

Systematic sorting: Teacher characteristics and class assignments
Demetra Kalogrides, Susanna Loeb, Tara Beteille. (2013). Sociology of Education, 86(2), 103-123

The Effect of Teacher-Family Communication on Student Engagement: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment
Matthew M. Kraft, Shaun M. Dougherty. (2013). Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 6(3), 199-222

How teacher turnover harms student achievement
Matthew Ronfeldt, Susanna Loeb, James Wyckoff. (2013). American Educational Research Journal, 50(1), Apr-36

Principals' perceptions of competition for students in Milwaukee schools
Susanna Loeb, Matthew Kasman. (2013). Education Finance and Policy, 8(1), 43-73


The Effect of Evaluation on Teacher Performance
Eric S. Taylor, John H. Tyler. (2012). American Economic Review, 102(7), 3628-51

Recruiting effective math teachers: Evidence from New York city
Donald Boyd, Pamela Grossman, Hamilton Lankford, Susanna Loeb, Matthew Ronfeldt, James Wyckoff. (2012). American Education Research Journal, 49(6), 1008-1047

Teacher Quality and Quality Teaching: Examining the Relationship of a Teacher Assessment to Practice
Heather C. Hill, Kristin Umland, Erica Litke, Laura R. Kapitula. (2012). American Journal of Education, 118 (4), 489–519

Stepping stones: Principal career paths and school outcomes
Tara Beteille, Demetra Kalogrides, Susanna Loeb. (2012). Social Science Research, 41(4), 904-919

Effective schools: Teacher hiring, assignment, development, and retention
Susanna Loeb, Tara Beteille, Demetra Kalogrides. (2012). Education Finance and Policy, 7(3), 269-304

When Rater Reliability Is Not Enough: Teacher Observation Systems and a Case for the Generalizability Study
Heather C. Hill, Charalambos Y. Charalambous, Matthew A. Kraft. (2012). Educational Researcher, 41(2), 56–64

In light of the limitations of data-driven decision making
Susanna Loeb. (2012). Education Finance and Policy, 7(1), 7-Jan